April was all about ABC inflatable spheres! ABC are dab hands at creating inflatable spheres for use at outdoor and indoor events. We must have made hundreds, if not thousands, over the years. They are great for parades, sporting occasions, exhibitions and any other event where you need to make an impression. They carry a client’s logo and branding and they look amaze-balls!
So this month we made some more inflatable planets at approximately 1.8m diameter in size for a new client. They were all air-filled and suspended inside a big conference hall for an event.
Also air-filled are the smaller 1.2m diameter inflatable Gala Bingo balls. These too will be filled with air and then thrown in to the crowd at a sporting event being sponsored by the client.
This is an ideal size for a pushball, as they are sometimes known. Not too big that they are heavy and unmanageable, but big enough that the client’s branding stands out. Don’t they look great? And the crowd love them! Pushballs always encourage lots of fun.
Even bigger are the eye-catching helium-filled inflatable spheres we made for Belfast City Council. These were both 2.5m diameter. It is an ideal size for outdoor use, especially if the weather is kind. Their event was really successful in promoting the City of Belfast – even if the weather was decidedly windy on the day!
As you can see, ABC inflatable spheres are a versatile way to raise awareness of your campaign. Take a look at our product pages for further information about our exhibition spheres, our parade spheres and our giant inflatable pushballs. For exhibition inflatables and more, contact us or why not give us a ring on 01295 278600? We can help you decide which one of our inflatable spheres is best for your needs.