Helium filled inflatable rainbows may be the more glamorous side of the inflatable business but we also provide more workaday balloons. Height marking balloons are a good example of this.
We are the ‘go to’ company when architects, planners and developers want to mark the height of a proposed development. There is nothing like seeing a balloon floating in the sky to give you a good impression of what that height actually looks like.

Most residential and commercial developments, especially retail are fairly low level. We recommend a sphere shaped inflatable as this is suitable for flying at heights up to about 20m – 30 meters. However we also frequently get asked to height mark at greatly increased heights. This is often when a planner (or a pressure group) wants to height mark a very tall structure. People typically want to visualise the proposed erection of a chimney, a crane or more commonly wind turbines.

In these cases a height marking blimp is the preferred choice as they can fly higher. Blimps can fly at over twice the normal permitted height of 200 feet or 60 meters. Sometimes we fly at well over 400 feet or 120 meters!
Thanks again to you and your team today. You made the whole process of setting up and undertaking the balloon test very easy, and we got everything we needed complete without any stress!
Paul Osborne FLI
Urban Design Director
LHC Design
If in your professional capacity you need a professional company to perform any height marking tasks for your company, client or planning department, contact the professionals… ABC Inflatables Ltd.
Email Mark at ABC Inflatables to talk about your project.